Friday, December 23, 2011

random entry

Assalamualaikum w b t!

Yeah yeah hai semua!
Rindu gila gila nak update post walaupun dah berkurun tak update.
Nak kata busy..yup agak busy.
Tapi kalau tak busy memang tak tahu ape yang nak diupdate. 

Tak sangka sem kedua di uitm shah alam ni dah nak berakhir.
dan tak sangka pulak diri ni makin menua dari sehari ke sehari.
Dan alhamdulillah hidup selama 20 tahun ni serba sedikit mematangkan diri aku untuk berdikari, bila jatuh bangun sendiri.

Sem ni sememangnya antara yang mencabar kehidupan...bila fikir fikir balik i just don't know how to describe my hectic life.
Yeah memang hectic!...bayangkan la dari awal sem sampai ke last week of classes we are so occupied with tons of assignments, presentation and tests. 
Kalau ikutkan macam x percaya i do manage to endure this life. but yeah I MANAGED TO MAKE IT!.

Sem ini juga mengajar apa itu kawan dan siapa itu lawan.
It is unbbelievable that people who are nearby you are actually the real enemies.
Makan kawan sendiri.
Mempergunakan orang.

"Don't believe all people except of your only family (PM Jalil,2011)

Yeah that's true and at first i don't really agree with it until the real situation do occur before my eyes.

Saya just nak buat statement.

"Don't get cheated by people who look innocent outside but THE GREAT DEVIL inside"


the latest picture of me, having a great moment with the new classmates before the end of our second semester. Kinda missed the old PL3F though..:')

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